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(757) 499-7393
5181 Singleton Way | Virginia Beach, VA
Cognitive Development
Intellectual Skills
recognizes upper and lower case letters
begins to recognize the sounds that letters represent
understands and recognizes legal first and last name
understands comparatives
understands more abstract words
incorporates verbal directions into activities
follows 3 unrelated commands in sequence
locates numbers on a sequential number line
comprehends questions
comprehends prepositions
sorts and classifies by color, size, category
matches letter,shape,number cards
comprehends 1-1 correspondence
adds and subtracts numbers of objects
makes simple estimations and predictions
understands time relationships (yesterday,today,tomorrow)
recognizes the characteristics of seasonal changes
perceives God as a loving presence
Language Skills (oral,aural,written,)
engages in wordplay, silly songs
listens to longer and repeated stories
understands the sequencing of a story (beginning, end)
tells and retells a story
describes artwork
adds details to story
draws pictures to illustrate a story or event
draws stick figures with more details
makes up own stories and verses
describes familiar people/objects in pictures
names body parts in picture or on self
prints most upper and lower case letters
prints own first or whole name using upper and lower case letters (D’nealian style)
counts 1-50
asks “when” “how” “why” questions
repeats directions
states his own address and phone number
participates in group sharing
Social-Emotional Development
expresses likes and dislikes
manages feelings, needs, and impulses
follows routines independently
accepts responsibility and consequences for behavior
attends to activities for longer periods
makes appropriate choices
pursues individual goals
understands consequences
collaborates, cooperates, and shares willingly
shows empathy and remorse, helps others
accepts responsibility and consequences as a group member
forms friendships
engages in interactive play
Physical Development
Large Motor Skills
slides, hops, rolls
catches a ball
pumps a swing
begins to clap rhythmically
Small Motor Skills
uses smaller brushes, crayons, markers
manipulates smaller objects with purpose (e.g. puzzles,play-doh, beads, Legos)
draws simple shapes (e.g. square, circle, triangle)
uses scissors to cut simple shapes
opens containers and packages
zips and snaps
snaps fingers
Our curriculum is based upon the philosophy of learning through play. It is organized around three major goals: Cognitive Development, Social-Emotional Development and Physical Development. Under each goal are developmental skills which the teachers use as objectives in planning thematic learning units and daily routines. All children will not master these skills at the same time. The teachers encourage them to progress through the curriculum and to achieve their maximum potential in preparation for kindergarten.